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The student news site of Adlai E. Stevenson High School


The student news site of Adlai E. Stevenson High School


The student news site of Adlai E. Stevenson High School


Eshaam Bhattad

Eshaam Bhattad, Managing Editor of Production

Eshaam is a senior and the Managing Editor of Production for Statesman this year. He’s always excited to cover political events and investigate happenings in the community. Outside of Statesman, he’s a member of the Debate Team, the South Asian Student Association, and most likely watching copious amounts of video essays on Youtube.

All content by Eshaam Bhattad
A composite of the album covers of "Mother I Sober by Lamar and "Scorpion" by Drake is pictured. Drake and Lamar began their careers collaborating on pieces, but are now engaged in a public feud through tracks at one another.

Why Kendrick Lamar Lost

Eshaam Bhattad, Managing Editor of Production
May 19, 2024
Photo Credit to Stevenson Student Council. Sourced from @StuCoStevenson on Instagram

Adlai’s Birthday Bash!

Eshaam Bhattad, Managing Editor of Production
February 9, 2024
Staring at Blank Space

Staring at Blank Space

Eshaam Bhattad, Managing Editor of Production
December 1, 2023
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