It’s 2:28 a.m. on a Thursday, and the glow of a laptop screen illuminates the stack of crumpled note sheets and half-drunk Celsius cans on your bedside table. You stare blankly at your AP Biology textbook,...
Imagine breaking your leg and having someone say, “Oh, I totally get it, I stubbed my toe once.” Or even worse, telling you not to go to the hospital because it is “quirky” or “not that serious.”...
If you look up the term ‘tariffs’ on Google Trends, a website which shows when and how many times a term has been searched up on Google, you will see there has been a recent spike in Google searches...
You sit at your desk and stare at the notebook in front of you while glaring at your laptop screen. With a sharpened pencil in hand, you spend hours and hours working until the corner of your computer...
Editor’s Note: The following column contains references to self-harm.
Your favorite television show is dramatized. Shocker! It includes flying dragons, intelligent zombies, and little girls named...
On Sunday, March 2nd, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences will once again broadcast the Oscars, and, like every other year, the Academy is once again embroiled in controversy. There have been...
Prom is one of the most anticipated and unforgettable events of high school, the last dance for seniors. An exciting—yet sometimes stressful— part of prom is finding the perfect dress. From costs to...
As the final week of the year approaches, many people start preparing for New Year's Eve by making plans with friends and deciding what they’ll wear when the clock strikes midnight. Others prefer to...
Opening a link from the Math Team sponsor, I scrolled down the 20-page Honor Roll list for the American Mathematics Competitions (AMC) 8, a list containing hundreds of names of middle school students...
Four years ago, overhearing your sister musing about a distinguished student who participated in research and got admitted to numerous colleges, you marvel at the idea of research, regarding it as a highly...
From breaking records to capturing global attention, season 1 of the Netflix original series Squid Game captivated audiences worldwide with its intense and unique storyline. Reaching 68 million views in...
Looking at your teacher’s guided notes sheets, you see an awfully familiar font and style of writing that isn’t your teacher’s normal font choice. You think long and hard about where you have seen...