School Board Confirms New Virtual Reality Course
Course will be available in 2023-2024 coursebook

Course developer Michael Anderson demonstrates a VR headset similar to what students will use in the course. Students will have the option to register for the course during course selection in the coming months.
Final preparations are being made for a new Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (VR and AR) course that was approved by the School Board of Education on Sept. 19.
The course intends to introduce students to the techniques and applications of VR and AR technology. Led in development by Computer Science, Engineering and Technology (CSET) teacher Michael Anderson, the one-semester, introductory-level class will be an addition to the Technology Design pathway within the CSET division.
“VR is used through the design process in architecture and engineering,” Anderson said. “It applies to our technology design classes as a different way to interact with your work.”
Students will use VR, AR and 3D modeling to develop projects related to other areas of engineering and design. The popularity of VR and AR activities in existing CSET courses like Print Media and Game Development provided inspiration for the course.
“Our academic divisions survey students about what their interests are,” Mark Onuscheck, Director of Curriculum, said. “As educators, we want to identify what would help our students develop so they are better prepared for their college and career experiences.”
According to Market Research Future, the application of VR and AR technologies in education is predicted to grow by 91 percent over the next five years. As students go through the curriculum, Anderson believes it will offer them a strong foundation in the new, emerging technology.
“Maybe [students] won’t go into careers in VR and AR, but it’s definitely going to be part of their world in the future,” Anderson said.